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本帖最后由 bijiafeng 于 2016-12-7 15:33 编辑
1. Open Desktop Studio console and checkthe name of the storage that needs to be removed, under Host connection, asdisplayed in the following screen shot. 2. Start PowerShell using the Run as administratoroption. 3. Run the following command to initializethe PowerShell environment:
asnp Citrix* 4. Run following commands to find theparameters necessary for executing related to storage configuration:
cd XDHyp:
cd HostingUnits
ls 5. Once the required parameters are found,run the following commands to remove the Storage:
Remove-HypHostingUnitStorage-LiteralPath XDHyp:\HostingUnits\nff -StoragePath ‘XDHyp:\Connections\Xe\iSCSIvirtual disk storage (1).storage’. 如果需要移除PersonalvDiskStorage要在以上命令后加 -StorageType PersonalvDiskStorage - Remove-HypHostingUnitStorage –LiteralPath ### –StoragePath ###
- Remove-HypHostingUnitStorage –LiteralPath ### –StoragePath ### -StorageType PersonalvDiskStorage
6. executed successfully, the output followingcommand execution should show that iSCSI virtual disk storage(1).storage no longer exist, as displayed on the following screen shot 6. Go back to Desktop Studio and confirmthat the storage is removed, as displayed in the following screen shot: In the preceding screen shot, you wouldnotice that the Storage count has changed to 1 and the Storage iSCSIvirtual disk storage (1) was successfully removed.