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1.进入halt的Vm所依附的xenserver的console 2.键入: xe-toolstack-restart 屏幕输出结果: Stoppingxapi: .....[ OK ]
Stopping the v6 licensing daemon:[ OK ]
Stopping the memory ballooningdaemon: [ OK ]
Stopping perfmon: [ OK ]
Stopping the fork/exec daemon:[ OK ]
Stopping the multipath alertingdaemon: [ OK ]
Starting the multipath alertingdaemon: [ OK ]
Starting the fork/exec daemon:[ OK ]
Starting perfmon: [ OK ]
Starting the memory ballooningdaemon: [ OK ]
Starting the v6 licensing daemon:[ OK ]
Starting xapi: OK[ OK ]
done. 3.此时所有链接此Pool的XenCenter将自动退出,数秒钟后在连接此Pool,就可以观察到Halt的桌面已经可以使用了。